Foliage Aesthetics: Haworthia, Fittonia, Sansevieria ๐Ÿƒ

I attribute my love for plants to my grandma, who during my childhood years, would always show me how much she enjoys gardening and propagating her plants ,,,(whether its a flowering or fruit bearing one).

I guess this is also the reason why I enjoyed my botany and plant chemistry classes before. Today, I have come to fill my personal space and our home with plants that bring joy and fascination to me. Here are some of my bedroom plants. As someone who likes photography, I personally love them for their aesthetics.

My pretty white and pink
nerve plants.


The zebra haworthia is a small species of succulent that makes a lovely decorative plant. This fun succulent is a perfect indoor plant that is not poisonous to pets, can thrive in low-light conditions, and is great for beginners.

Haworthia zebra

I remember them being expensive during the pandemic when everyone were instantly becoming “plantitos and plaunts” haha. It’s not surprising that it’s a favorite plant not only because of its aesthetics but also the simple care one could provide. Because haworthia store water so efficiently, they do not need to be watered very often.


Mosaic plant or nerve plants, members of the Fittonia genus, get their name from their appearance. It has a beautiful contrasting foliageโ€” deep green leaves that are veined with pink, white, or red, the look of which somewhat resembles the many-veined nervous system.

White fittonia

And did you know that fittonias have a great number of benefits such as reducing carbon dioxide levels, and keeping air temperatures down? And that makes it extra!

Care Tip: if you intend to place them inside your room, take note that they thrive best in a bright space with indirect sunlight.


Sansevieria Fernwood. This kind of sansevieria has dark green leaves with striking light green tiger-print striping plus an interesting fountain-like shape that gives off a more modern vibe.

Sansevieria fernwood

Like most snake plants, the fernwood kind is notably indestructible thus a good choice for darker spaces like my bedroom. And they have air-purifying qualities that is ideal for one’s personal sanctuary.

I also have some monsteras, aglaonemas, ferns, and philos but I’ll save that for another post.


  1. Beautiful collection!

    Like you, I preferred botany (over zoology) and inorganic chemistry (over organic chemistry).

    I currently have this thing about seeds and growing them. I still have pears I wish to plant.

    I also have this thing about bulbs! I think I’ll start a collection of crocuses, irises, daffodils etc ๐Ÿ˜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Itโ€™s funny because I attribute my love of gardening to my grandmother as well. Whenever Iโ€™m outside tending to my vegetable garden, I canโ€™t help but think of her. Your collection of plants is lovely.


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